Are you a fan of brain teasers? These seemingly simple puzzles have been around forever, challenging us to broaden our minds in order to find the solution. Sometimes it’s just a matter of finding the hidden words. Sometimes it’s just a matter of remembering geometry. There are thousands of these puzzles on the internet, and we selected some of the best ones to make you think.
We challenge you to test your brain teaser skills if you think you are a brain teaser master. You’ll see the puzzle on one slide and the answer on the next. To keep things interesting, experts should time themselves at two minutes per slide!
In order to make the reading experience of this article more convenient, the article has been split up into multiple pages. At the end of each page, you will see a “next” button which will take you to the next page. Enjoy your reading!
Intruder Puzzle
The battle between the dark side and the light side is one that has raged in space for centuries. No matter how overwhelmed the light side may seem numbers-wise, they always seem to have a plan.

Perhaps that’s because they’ve inserted a spy with the enemy. This picture is full of bad guys, but one of them is noticeably different than the others. We think that makes them a spy for the light side. Can you spot the intruder?
The next slide reveals the answer. Start your timer!
A Panda Of A Solution Revealed
Another hidden intruder, another panda. We bet you didn’t see that one coming! This panda is so tricky to find because of the color pattern. The entire picture is in black and white, so the animal fits in perfectly.

Honestly, we don’t know who this panda will fit in as a spy. The animals are famously lazy, so asking it to blend in as one of the bad guys might be too much to ask. Then again, all it may need to be able to do to fit in is be a terrible shot!
The Colorful Mistake
There is a big problem here that we need you to solve. Can you find the mistake? Look closely at the numbers and see if you can figure out where the mistake was made. It’s trickier than it sounds!

This puzzle was solved correctly by half of the people we tested. The other half found their brains twisted in knots trying to figure it out. Which half do you belong to? The answer will be revealed on the next slide.
The Mistake Revealed
If you figure out that the word “the” was printed back to back on different lines don’t feel too bad. You probably got stuck focusing on the colorful numbers, which is the whole point of this teaser.

By distracting you with colors, the creator of this puzzle tricked your brain, telling it where to look. If you were able to break away from the trick, then you likely noticed the major grammatical mistake. Of course, it would be easier to find if the two “the” weren’t on different lines.
How Many B’s Can You Spot?
This devious puzzle was originally designed to be a part of a standard IQ test. The author claims that this puzzle can show you whether or not a person is a genius. All they have to do is fins all the “b’s” is the sea of “d’s.”

How smart are you? This one we recommend timing yourself on. The fast you find all the “b’s” the smarter you are. And of course, just to make sure you found them all, we’ll tell you how many there are on the next slide.
The B’s Revealed
How many “b’s” did you find? One? Two? Three? Four? Five? The correct number is four, so if that’s what you landed on then go ahead and pat yourself on the back. If not, then we guess it’s time to go back to school.

Just kidding. This puzzle is extremely hard. If couldn’t find all four, you’re not alone. Having to find the letter in a never-ending set of “d’s” can feel like a real chore. But at least it’s a fun chore!
No Left Turns
There is a very good chance that this “no left turns allowed” puzzle will drive you bonkers. It seems like an easy enough rule to follow until you start, then you learn just how frustrating it really is.

Time yourself, too. When you finish, stop the clock and post your results online, then challenge your friends to try and beat the maze. Did you do it? How long did it take? Keep going to see if you found the correct solution.
The Path Revealed
To solve this puzzle you need to be okay with a lot of trial and error. The number of right turns needed to get to the end can seem like too many, but eventually, you’ll get to the promised land.

Also important to remember in this maze is that a few of the turns that may look like left turns are actually right turns. Take the third turn for instance. The path moves left, but because you’re moving down when the turn is made, it’s actually a right turn.
Set your timer and cross your fingers because this simple teaser is much harder than it sounds. All you have to do is find the word “dog.” Just don’t get lost in the sea of “O’s.”

Seriously, we thought this puzzle was going to be easy when we started it, and it turned out to be one of the hardest we found. Do you have an eagle eye? This teaser will give it plenty of exercises. And don’t forget, the word could be spelled forward, backward, upside down, or diagonally.
The next slide reveals the answer. Start your timer!
The Word Revealed
The reason this puzzle is so challenging is the chape of the letters in “DOG.” They are all curved and similar enough that it can become hard to differentiate them in succession. Were you able to successfully find where the word was hidden?

If you ask us, the longer you take looking at this puzzle the harder it gets. The fun part is now you can design your own hidden word puzzles to try and trick your friends. You can even use this one and just move where the word is hidden!
What Number Is The Space?
Math puzzles aren’t easy. They always look easy but rarely can be solved in a few seconds. If you really want to challenge yourself, set a timer for 60 seconds, then try and figure out where the car is parked.

Did you get it? Are you confident in your answer? The only way to know if you’re right is to head to the next slide. As smart as we thought we were, we definitely needed help on this doozy of a brain teaser.
The Number Revealed
Looks like this one wasn’t a math puzzle after all! If you were struggling to figure out the numerical sequence, you probably didn’t think to flip over the picture. The perspective makes all the difference on this one.

By flipping the image the nonsensical sequence suddenly changes to 86-91. Once you know that, it’s easy to figure out that 87 is the covered parking space number. If anything, this puzzle should have taught you going forward not to trust everything at face value.
Math Maze!
This brain teaser combines math with pattern selection and recognition. The goal is to start at the top square and work your way down to the final solution of four. Only one path will get you there.

Take your time on this one, there’s no reason to set a timer. The more you try, the easier it will become to solve the problem. Remember, as long as a function is between numbers you can move that way!
The Math Maze Answer Revealed
The secret to this puzzle is that there is no secret. It’s just math. If the math in your first attempt is wrong, go back and start again. Don’t take the same path twice either, the results will always be the same.

When we tested this puzzle, one person solved it in 20 seconds. How long did it take you? Post your time online and challenge your friends. Use 20 seconds as a benchmark time, but don’t be surprised if it takes you more than two minutes.
Triangle Math
Here’s another math problem, this time coming at you in the shape of triangles. Here you are given four numbers, one at each corner of the triangle, and another inside. To solve this one, you will need to find out the functions being used to get the answer.

This one looks about as hard as it is, but with a little bit of patience, it’s actually fairly easy to figure out. Once you identify the function and the pattern, you just need to apply them to the final triangle. What answer did you get?
The Triangular Solution Revealed
The answer is five. To get there you need to multiply the number in the bottom left of the triangle by the one at the top. Then subtract the number in the bottom right corner.

Let’s take a look at the first triangle – 5 x 5 = 10. 10 – 2 = 8. By applying the same logic to the final triangle you get – 4 x 3 = 12. 12 – 7 = 5.
Can You Math?
Unlike the parking lot problem, we problem this problem actually takes math to solve. The question becomes what kind of math? It could be simple addition, or you might need to think deeper.

While it’s pretty clear the one plus four equals five, two plus five definitely does not equal twelve. It’s up to you to figure out how the answers have been figured out, then you need to apply that knowledge to the missing answer. Can you do it?
The Solution Revealed
The answer is 40, and this is how we got there: The first answer is obvious with 4+1=5. Then 2+5+5=12 and 3+6+12=21 before 8+11+21=40.The trick is to add the numbers on top of each other.

Does that make sense? One plus four is equal to five, then two plus five equals seven. To get you 12, you add five and seven. As you keep going, you end up with 21 plus 19 (8+11), which gets you to the final number.
Find The Strange Elephant
Have you ever seen so many elephants in one photo? Every single elephant in this picture, color notwithstanding, is exactly the same except for one. Can you spot the elephant anomaly?

What’s the difference between the anomaly? If we told you that we’d be giving away the answer. What we can tell you is that the difference is subtle, but once you finally see it, it can not be unseen. Make sure to ask your friends to solve it, too!
The Elephant Anomaly Revealed
It’s not an elephant at all, it’s a panda! We bet you didn’t see that coming. The differences, as we said, are subtle, but they exist. Most notably the elephant of the panda is completely unique compared to the elephant trunks.

The reason this puzzle ends up being so tricky is how much empty space there is. Our minds tend to fill in the blanks of the spaces before realizing there is nothing to fill in. Once this pattern is broken, then it’s easy to find the panda every time.
Forgetfulness In The Forest
Alice was wandering through the Forest of Forgetfulness one day when she came across a lion and unicorn. The pair were in a debate, unable to figure out which day it was, so Alice offered to help.

A scroll laid before them that read, “The lion speaks the truth all the days of the week except for the days he tells lies which are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. While, the unicorn speaks the truth all the days of the week except the days he tells lies which are Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. The Lion said, “I was lying yesterday.” The unicorn replied, “I was too.” Which day were the two lying?
The Lion Vs. The Unicorn Answer
Did you figure out the answer? Both the unicorn and the lion speak the truth on Sunday. There is not a day when both would be lying at the same time. That means that one of them must be speaking the truth while the other is lying.

The answer is Wednesday. They both must have said they were lying on a Thursday. The lion is telling the truth about having lyed the day before, while the unicorn is not telling the truth about lying the day before. The day is they are having the argument is on a Thursday.
The Colors
Here we have sixteen squares, each sporting various but similar color patterns. Some are outlined blue with yellow lines, while the others are outlined yellow with blue lines. To solve this problem, you will need to focus on the color in the center of each square.

Do you think all the inner squares in this puzzle are the same color? Are they different? How do you know? Go on to the next slide to see if you were correct!
Behold Bezold
This is called the bezold effect. All the smaller squares from the puzzle are in fact the same color. They only appear to look different based on what colors border them. To us they look either orange or red, even though we know they are the same.

The Bezold Effect was named after a German professor of meteorology named Wilhelm von Bezold. He discovered through his studies that colors appeared different depending on their adjacent hues.
The Prisoner
You are a prisoner in jail along Barry and Albert. The guard puts the three of you in a straight line facing forward. He takes two white hats and three black hats and puts them on your heads. Albert is in the back of the line and can see the two hats in front of him. Barry is next and can see your hat. You can’t see any hats.

The guard tells you, “If one of you is able to guess your hat color correctly, all three of you will be released to freedom.” Albert goes first, then Barry, and then you. You guess your hat correctly, an all three of you are released. How’d you do it?
Freedom Awaits!
Your hat is black! To get to the answer, you must think back to what Albert and Barry would guess. Albert is unsure of the color of his hat, which he would not have been if there were two white hats in front of him.

Barry also cannot be sure unless you were wearing a white hat. Because neither man is sure, that means you must be wearing a black hat. That is, of course, as long as you trust both men.
The Missing Triangle
You’ve done a similar brain teaser to this one already, so the set up should be easy. The three numbers on the outside of the triangle combine to make the number on the inside. One number is missing. Can you identify it?

The last time we faced this problem, it was simple multiplication and subtraction. Looking at this one, we’re not sure it will be that easy. Several of these kinds of puzzles exist online, so you like them you’ll never run out of teasers!
The Answer That Was Missing
The answer you were looking for was three. To solve this problem, you must subtract the bottom left number from the bottom right number, then multiply the answer by the bottom right number.

Let’s look at the first triangle – 6 – 2 = 4 x 2 = 8. That same logic helps us find the final solution – 6 – 5 = 1 x 3 = 3. Did this one fool you? Did you figure it out?
Murder Mystery
There was a family of four: a mother, father, daughter, and son. Someone in the family committed a murder. Someone else witnessed the murder, and another aided in the murder. Here’s everything we know:

1) The oldest person and the witness are not the same gender. 2)The youngest person in the family and the victim are not the same gender. 3)The person who helped the murderer and the witness are not the same gender. 4) The person who helped the murderer is older than the victim was. Lastly, here are two constants: 5) The father was the oldest member of the family. 6) The murderer was not the youngest member of the family. Who did it?
The Culprit Revealed
The mother did it! How did we figure it out? Let’s unravel the mystery. First off, we the youngest person is not the gender as the victim, and the witness and person who aided the crime are also different genders.

Since the murderer was not the youngest, we know the youngest was the witness. We also know the father is the oldest, so the youngest is the daughter. Going further we know the youngest and the victim are not the same gender, so the youngest was the son. That leaves us with Mommy dearest being the bad person!
Black And White Lines
The question here is simple; are the lines you see in the picture above crooked or straight? This tricky optical illusion wants you to focus your hardest to find the truth, and the answer may just surprise you.

Going deeper, if the lines are straight, are they also running parallel with each other? The answers you seek lay on the next slide, but you should try and solve it first before you head that way!
Café Wall Illusion
The lines are straight, which probably sounds crazy to you! The illusion is a brain trick called the cafe wall illusion, where staggered rows with black and white tiles start to look crooked to the naked eye.

The power behind this witchcraft was first discovered in the 1800s and was originally named the “kindergarten illusion.” In 1973, it was rediscovered by a man named Richard Gregory, who also renamed it. We wonder how much he makes in royalties.
The Emperor’s Marbles
You are facing the death sentence when the emperor comes to you with a game. If you win, your life is spared. He gives you 50 white marbles and 50 black marbles along with two empty bowls.

These are the instructions he gives you, “you must separate these two marbles into the two bowls I have given you. You may divide them any way that you want but you must use all the marbles. When you are done dividing, I will mix the bowls around. You then can choose a bowl and remove one marble. If you choose a white marble, you will live. If you choose a black marble, you will die.” How will you arrange the marbles?
Winning Your Life
The easiest way to beat the emperor is to place one white marble in one bowl, then 50 black marbles in the other bowl underneath 49 white marbles. As long as the emperor is a man of his word, this gives you the best chance at winning.

Of course, another possible option is to put all the black marbles in one bowl and all the white marbles in the other. In that scenario, you have a 50/50 shot at picking the correct bowl. Which odds do you prefer?!
Elephant’s Legs
Here’s another illusion to challenge your brain. How many legs do you think this elephant has? In theory, it should have four. In reality, it’s not so easy to say that with confidence. To help your brain out, think back to other puzzles you’ve solved like this one.

The key here is to focus. The illusion is purposely trying to trick your brain, and unfortunately, you can’t turn your brain off. Instead, turn your brain up and pay attention to what you know an elephant looks like.
So Many Legs
Did you figure it out? If you decided that there is no answer, then you are correct! We weren’t trying to be confusing with this illusion, the illustrator was. Because they drew feet in blank spaces and the other parts connected to the elephant, there is no real answer.

This type of puzzle is called an illusory contour. Like with the picture on this slide, your brain works to fill in the blanks so you can see a Star of David. On the elephant, your brain fills in the blanks to create the elephant’s legs.
Line Size
Are the two horizontal lines in this image the same length? The answer isn’t as easy as it appears to be. Remember, the shapes around the lines are going to affect how to interpret the length of it.

After everything we’ve said, this illusion might actually be easy to solve. If you can’t take the picture at face value, then you need to trust your instincts. What is your gut telling you? Now go to the next slide to see if you were right!
The Muller- Lyer Illusion
This is the Muller Lyer Illusion. The question here is whether or not the horizontal lines are the same length. You probably already guessed that they are, so we’ll go straight to telling you how this illusion works.

The lines on Wall A look shorter because the picture places them in a more cramped space. Our brains then tell us they are shorter than the lines on the more visually open right side. Take a ruler to your screen if you don’t believe us.
A Sight To See
Here’s a riddle for you, “A blind beggar had a brother who died. What was the relation of the blind beggar to the brother who died? The answer is not brother.” This riddle is extremely difficult.

Slow down when reading the riddle and really focus on the word choice used. That should help you. If you find yourself stuck, as some friends for help. And as always, once you have your answer move to the next slide to see if you were right!
The Deciding Factor
This riddle is all about perception. The relation of the beggar to the dead brother is sister, although most people don’t even consider that an option. Because the word brother is used, we tend to go straight into believing the beggar has to be male.

This riddle tests the frontal lobe of your brain, which is used to deal with hypothesis testing, implicit assumptions, and analytical functions. Were you fooled by this riddle, or were you able to look at it beneath the surface?
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