
Guide: How to show every song’s lyrics on Spotify?

Do you know that sometimes you get into an argument with a friend over the lyrics of a certain song? Spotify allows you to see the lyrics of the song playing in the app, so you can put an end to unnecessary arguments and also so you can sing along with your favorite singers.

On the app, you can find lyrics to songs in a variety of languages, but keep in mind that not all songs have lyrics. There may be some songs that the lyrics will only be available in the future, especially if they are Hebrew songs. For sure English songs, you will find lyrics.

How to see the lyrics of the song on Spotify on Android and iPhone devices

Open the Spotify app on your Android device or iPhone.

Search for the song you want to play and click the Play button to play it. In the panel that opens at the bottom of the window, click on the name of the song that is playing.

In the window of the song that opens, click on the “Lyrics” option that appears at the bottom of the window.

Note: If the “Song lyrics” option does not appear in the window, it is likely that the specific song you are playing does not yet have lyrics.

Now, Spotify will display the lyrics of the song you are playing.

To see the lyrics of the song in full screen, just click on the window that displays the lyrics.

Another thing we liked is that the words are colored by the words that the singer sings.

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