
Today’s Crypto: Bitcoin is rising, Dogecoin is surprising

Major digital currencies rose today after several days of declines, although most gains were relatively moderate. It was DogeCoin who made a surprising leap

After the declines that characterized this week, today the crypto market is showing a slight positive trend, with all major currencies rising at non-dramatic but also negligible average rates.

Bitcoin, the largest currency in the market, rose 2.9% and returned above the $ 40,000 threshold, and even approached $ 41,000 with a current price of $ 40,906 per currency and a market value of $ 780 billion. However, compared to last Thursday it still lost 6.2% of its value.

Ethereum, the second most important currency, which this week began an experiment that may bring it to first place in the future, rose 1.8% to $ 3,072.5 per currency and a market value of $ 371 billion. In the weekly range, it is down 5.27%.

Photo by Kanchanara
Photo by Kanchanara

Binance Coin, the currency of the leading trading exchange that recently recorded relative stability, characterized by relatively light movements relative to the rest of the market regardless of direction, was also the most “cautious” rising day with a 0.86% change to $ 417 per currency and a market value of $ 69 billion. The relatively minor changes in the currency are also reflected in its weekly change – a relatively small decrease of 4%.

Ripple rose 2.3 percent today, reducing last week’s decline to 7.65 percent, to a price of 72 cents a currency and a market value of nearly $ 35 billion.

Photo by Art Rachen
Photo by Art Rachen

Cardano recorded a daily increase of almost one and a half percent, but in the weekly range, it is still in the double-digit decline of 12.5%, to 95 cents per currency and a market value of 32 and a quarter billion dollars.

And DogeCoin surprised today with a jump of 5% and a third, which left it in the range of 14 cents per currency but raised the market value to $ 19.3 billion. His weekly loss also dropped to the lowest rate in the table – only 1.3%.

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