
Today’s Crypto: Is Bitcoin finally recovering from its losses?

The major currencies soared today at significant rates, and most of them returned to levels where they began 2022, before the falls that Russia caused in recent months

The crypto market recorded significant jumps today, with major currencies returning to levels in early January, before the two falls caused by Russia – first announcing its intention to ban crypto activity in the country and then invading Ukraine.

Bitcoin, the main currency in the market, rose by about 6% a day, bringing it to a weekly jump of 14.4%, to a current price of $ 47,277 and a market value of close to $ 900 billion.

Etherium, jumped 6.33% to a price of $ 3,346 per coin and a market value of $ 402 billion, with its weekly change standing at an impressive rate of about 15%.

Binance Coin settled for an increase of 4.79% per day and 10.36% per week, to a price of $ 435 per currency and a market value of $ 72 billion.

Ripple, which experienced a resurgence earlier this year, is also disappointing with an increase of only 3.65% today and only 6.65% last week, to a price of 87 cents per currency and a market value of almost $ 42 billion.

Cardano recorded a daily increase of 5.75% and completed a weekly jump of just over a third – 33.64% – to a price of $ 1.20 per currency and a market value of $ 40 billion.

And DogeCoin continues today to record impressive gains relative to other major currencies, with a variable rate of 6.79% per day and 23.52% per week at a price of 15 cents per currency and a market value of nearly $ 20 billion.

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